In the event that a Customer has a good faith belief that the nature or quality of the services provided by any Provider are not consistent with industry standards or these Terms of Use, Customer will be permitted to request a refund subject to the following terms and conditions:
Notice Period.
Within five (5) calendar days of the date the Provider marks the project as “Complete” (the “Customer Dispute Notice Period”), the Customer will provide written notice to Field Engineer by submitting a support ticket through the Platform setting forth in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances which are the basis of the Services-Related Disputed Matter (each, a “Services-Related Dispute Notice”). The Customer’s failure to submit a Services-Related Dispute Notice within the Customer Dispute Notice Period will constitute such Customer’s permanent waiver of his or her right to request a refund.
Mediation Period. In the event that the Customer does submit a Services-Related Dispute Notice within the Customer Dispute Notice Period, Field Engineer will attempt in good faith to work with the Customer and Services Provider for a period of up to fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the Services-Related Dispute Notice (the “Services-Related Disputed Matter Mediation Period”) to resolve the Services-Related Disputed Matter. In the event that the Services-Related Disputed Matter is successfully resolved within the Services-Related Disputed Matter Mediation Period, each of the Customer, Services Provider and, if relevant, Field Engineer will take the agreed upon steps to execute the agreed-upon resolution. If the agreed-upon resolution results in return of any portion of Customer’s upfront payment, Field Engineer will refund the agreed-upon amount within ten (10) days from the date the Services-Related Dispute is resolved.
Final Determination. In the event that the Services-Related Disputed Matter remains unresolved at the conclusion of the Services-Related Disputed Matter Mediation Period, by no later than the fourteenth (14th) calendar day after the end of the Services-Related Disputed Matter Mediation Period, Field Engineer will make a determination in its sole and absolute discretion (the “Services-Related Disputed Matter Decision”), and based upon the information provided by the Customer and Services Provider, as to whether the nature and quality of the Services Provider’s services rendered in connection with the Job which is the subject of the Services-Related Disputed Matter were consistent with industry standards and these Terms and Conditions. If it is determined that a refund is warranted, Field Engineer Field Engineer will refund the agreed-upon amount within ten (10) days from the date the Services-Related Dispute Matter Decision. Should Field Engineer decide the Services-Related Disputed Matter in favor of the Services Provider, the Customer will not be entitled to a refund and Field Engineer will release the held funds to Provider.