Looking for Engineering Staffing. Join Field Engineer.
Looking for engineering recruitment? Field Engineer (FE) is a global platform designed to help field engineers find best employers and get paid quickly and easily. Businesses looking for excellence should go no further when looking for field engineers – browse our listing of finest professionals worldwide!
Sign up today to engage engineers anytime anywhere!
Engineering Staffing in Few Easy Steps
Engineering staffing is known to be a difficult process. Pinpointing the right person in the right location is, admittedly, quite a task. For that exact reason, FE has created a unique online field engineer marketplace that connects telecommunications work with the right field engineers.
Broadly, we’re part of the telecommunications industry. But in reality, we’re creating a new model for B2B work overall. The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not have an official number of exactly how many contract-based workers there are, but over the past 20 years, the number of workers who operate as independent contractors, often through apps, has increased by about 27 percent more than payroll employees, according to CNBC. For the telecom industry, talking about telecom companies, VARs, hardware manufacturers, MSPs and enterprise businesses who have work where some kind of communications thing needs to be setup or serviced or disconnected – the opportunity is huge. –
Malik Zakaria, founder and CEO of Field Engineer.
Freelance engineering has never been this convenient – grab this opportunity to find best jobs around the globe from the comfort of your home. Sign up and get job alerts delivered to your inbox.
On the other end, FE assists companies delivering telecommunications services find the right field engineer. Field engineers interested in working with communications service providers, value-added resellers, retail chains, managed service providers, and hardware manufacturers will hardly get a better place to find their dream job from FE. And the same holds true for the companies. Going online is one of the fastest ways of helping the offer meet the demand, and – make no mistake about it – freelancing is the future. Wherever in the world you are, you are more likely to find a scalable workforce and reduce costs without compromising technical proficiency online than the other way around.

Recruitment Engineering at its Finest: Field Engineer Provides Background Checks, Paperwork, and Real-Time Tracking.
Find recruitment engineering jobs with ease at Field Engineer. The platform automates the process of a telecoms job. Simply put, it is to say that once you find the right job/employer for you, FE takes care of the rest – from the job opening to the execution.
FE makes sure to take care of all the necessary bureaucracy – from engineering recruitment paperwork and liability insurance to all necessary background checks. The platform meets each provider’s particular standards and hires field engineers only in times their services are requested – thus reducing labor costs.
- How FE Works – Job Seekers
To start using FE services, simply sign up and create your profile. Publish your credentials, skill sets, and interests to optimize search results. You may both search jobs and receive job alerts – customize your preferences in your profile settings.
You will get to keep informed about engineering and remote it jobs at all times – FE regularly updates its global project listings.
Applying for a job is simple and automated. You will get to submit bids and negotiate terms. Job start details being provided, you only need to agree on job terms to get started. Once your work has been completed, you will get paid via FE – all payments guaranteed. FE pays immediately – real-time completion is provided to businesses.
- How FE Works – Employees
To start using FE services, sign up and fund your account. Funds may be deposited by a credit card, bank account, or PayPal. Post the job – by filling out a work order – and the job listing will be posted. Get bids, evaluate them, and assign jobs as you see fit. Field Engineer provides all background checks and necessary paperwork for your convenience – yours is only to evaluate the credentials and negotiate the terms with the best field engineers. Track and approve jobs at your convenience – an easy task overall. FE real-time completion system allows for tracking how projects are progressing step-by-step, as mentioned above.
Engineering Recruitment: Find the Right Engineer for your Team at Field Engineer Today.
Field Engineer makes engineering recruitment as straightforward as it gets. The platform connects you to over 15,000 field engineers – registered and awaiting job offers. Both small and large businesses are welcome; at FE everyone gets to find the right person – independent, qualified, and available on-demand.

FE guarantees that all candidates are genuine – background checks ensured with all qualifications verified. Spare your time by reading the reviews – learn who exactly you are hiring. Professionals and businesses connected so far cover a wide area – Europe, North and South America, Asia-Pacific regions, and Africa. No matter where in the wide world you are, rest assured that there is the exact engineer to suit your needs. You will find them at Field Engineer.
- Company Overview
FE was launched in 2016. Since then, over 15,000 field engineers from 137 countries have signed up. From October 2016 to April 2017, Field Engineer helped 45 different customers post and complete more than 4,500 jobs. The main benefit of the platform is that the selection process reduces the engineer selecting time frame to mere minutes.
FE is also available for Android and iOS. Get it through Google Play and the App Store. Keep updated at all times, no matter how busy your schedule.