Freelance Platform for Telecom Engineers. Sign up Today.
Looking for a freelance job? Offering a project-based engineer job? Field Engineer is the freelance platform for telecom engineers the wide web has seen so far.
Things don’t get any more straightforward than at Field Engineer. Simply sign up to create your profile, select your preferences, and get job listings/bids delivered to your inbox. Choose from the rich offer of field engineering jobs and the finest professionals from the comfort of your home.

Engineer is the Most Beneficial Freelance Platform for Telecommunications Engineers. Sign up Today and Find Out Why!
Field Engineer just might prove to be the most user-friendly freelance platform for telecommunications engineers. We keep things simple for a reason and make sure everyone gets what they need in a reliable, efficient way. Whether you are looking for work or to hire, we have got you covered.
Join our platform for best offers – find that right field engineer in a matter of minutes. For, one thing we always excel in is time management. Shorten the selection process by getting all the paperwork done by us and go through our engineer pool reviews to know what exactly you are bargaining for.
We say it’s about time things changed in the telecom workforce. The question is: what do you say? Our Online Field Engineer Marketplace platform gives employers the flexibility to court the perfect engineer for the job anytime and anywhere with Internet connection. Companies can outsource jobs at a fraction of the cost and without the demand of full-time employment. For independent engineers, we provide the ability to choose projects that work with their schedules and at their desired rates of pay. In short, we provide them with freedom. –
Malik Zakaria, founder and CEO of Field Engineer.
Engineering freelance has never been easier or more attainable, and at FE – getting stronger by the day. So far, more than 15,000 engineers have signed up at our platform. Find the finest of professionals from around the globe – North America, South America, APAC regions, Africa, or Europe. Since October 2016 (when the beta version of FE was launched), more than 4,500 jobs posted by 45 different contractors have been completed successfully. FE makes it possible for employers to reduce the average four-week timeframe to select a contractor down to a matter of minutes. Still not good enough? Read on!
Field Engineer Offers a Wide Palette of Jobs to Freelance Telecom Engineers Worldwide.
Simply put, FE is an online marketplace where skilled professionals – freelance telecom engineers and IT engineers in particular – get to meet best employers and choose projects from the most comprehensive listing of best-paid engineering job offers.
At FE, we take care of all time-consuming parts of the selection process: we find workers, verify their credentials, manage work orders and projects, process payments, and review contractors. FE is the most convenient freelance platform for telecom engineers -it always makes sure to track work orders and payment history. All payments are made immediately after the job completion.
At FE, employers get to track the job progress from beginning to end. Our platform has set in place a real-time tracking system that delivers up-to-the-minute information.
So, how do you get started?
Job seekers: Sign up on FE to create your engineering freelance profile. Publish your credentials and specify your interest to get optimum search results. Browse available jobs or get customized offers delivered to your inbox – FE provides a reliable job alert system. Submit your application and negotiate the terms. Agree on the terms to start working. Track project progress. Get your payment. All payments are guaranteed.
Employers: Sign up on FE and fund your account; credit card, PayPal, and bank account payments are accepted. Fill out a work order to get your job listed. Start receiving bids, evaluate them, and choose the engineer with the right skill sets. Track project progress with ease with our real-time completion feature.
Too busy to keep an eye on job listings regularly? FE has got you covered. Get our app for iOS or Android through the App Store or Google Play. Field Engineer makes engineering freelance as simple as it gets.

In Founder’s Words: why is Field Engineer the Most Convenient Freelance Platform for Telecom Engineers?
FE just might be the freelance platform for telecom engineers that you’ve been waiting for all along. With its pool of professionals from ca. 140 countries, FE makes allocating jobs where workforce is scarce an easy task.
According to Malik Zakaria, founder and CEO of Field Engineer, “with more than 20 years of experience in telecom’s and IT outsourcing, I know first-hand the pain of identifying, hiring and ensuring quality B2B work. In 2015, a U.S.-based tier 1 telecom came to me while at ExterNetworks. They were looking for a way to get the field resources to deliver on a new opportunity, but only had workers on the ground in the U.S. This is a problem I’ve heard time and time again – and so I knew there was a big opportunity to create a new model for how skilled B2B work gets done, especially in the telecom space.”
Make the dreaded hiring process less time-consuming and as simplified as it can get. FE will help you to that end. The platform has set high goals and is certain to come up with additional services in the near future. What started as a small startup is likely to rewrite the history of on-demand field engineering worldwide.