Network Security Engineer Freelance Job Prospects at a Glance.
Being a network security engineer implies excessive technical knowledge and a specific mindset. The job is among the best paid ones; the demand ever increasing. Security engineers hold different degrees and certificates, as the IT field is expanding and new technologies being developed all the time. The best thing about the job is that it offers a range of specializations and the opportunity to work freelance.

Responsibilities of a Network Security Engineer
To become a network security engineer, you will need at least a Bachelor’s degree. A MBA is always recommended for those aiming at senior positions, but further education can wait. For one thing, employers often offer certificate programs to the staff, in line with company’s needs.
Typical responsibilities of a network security engineer (although, admittedly, nothing turns out to be typical in actual practice) include:
- Design, implementation, configuration, and maintenance of networks, security platforms, databases, and associated software (routers, switches, anti-viruses, firewalls, cryptography systems, anti-spam software and similar);
- Regular assessment of anti-viruses, firewalls, SSL, VPN, and other network components;
- Vulnerability reporting (typically to management);
- Technical assistance across the board (colleagues and clients);
- Designing systems and methodologies;
- Log analysis monitoring.
Core Competencies of a Network Security Engineer
Security engineers must be familiar with a range of security network devices and security networking hardware and software tools, such as: switches, firewalls, anti-viruses, cryptography, VPN, NAT, SIEM, TCP/IP, and similar. An absolute understanding of information security concepts, practices, and standards is crucial. Intrusion prevention and detection is one of the most important aspects of the job. Finally, security engineers also need to be familiar with log management, network traffic analysis, device monitoring, and event monitoring/reporting.
Never can it be enough said about technical knowledge required of a security engineer. Networking is perhaps the fastest changing segment of the IT sector, and continual education is a natural thing. Not necessarily does it come in the form of MBAs. As stated above, there is a range of certification solutions available. The golden standard remains the CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional). Closely following are Microsoft Certified Professional exams, and VMware Network Virtualization Certifications.
The Mindset of a Network Security Engineer
Finally we come to the most demanding part. As you must have gathered by now, a security engineer deals with far less technically knowledgeable people, namely colleagues and clients. In some companies, it is exactly the security engineer that is in charge of providing first-line customer support.
The profession, therefore, calls for patience, superb interpersonal skills, and the ability to present complicated issues in an understandable manner. It is often the role of the security engineer to educate their colleagues in terms of online safety. It is more than sufficient that just one employee visits unsecure sites or engages in other unsecure online activities to trigger a large-scale disaster.
On top of that, a security engineer must have strong organizational skills, demonstrating the ability to prioritize projects on the go. Identifying issues before they occur is the special skills of security engineers, as they are required to be able to get to the bottom of the matter. The root cause of every issue is to be identified and dealt with.

Network Security Engineers’ Work Environment
Network security engineers can choose to work with one company, as consultants, or as freelancers. If within a company, they usually work in teams, providing technical expertise and lending hand where and as needed. If working as security engineer consultants, they outsource their services to contractors where and as needed. All kinds of engineering projects call for consultants’ expertise, and a professional in the field may gain considerable experience and advance to a senior position later on. Freelance security engineers work on a project-basis, as a rule. There are some exceptions, but they don’t disprove the rule. Freelance engineering jobs are highly popular, with several online marketplaces successfully connecting skilled professionals with potential employers.
Field Engineer has topped the list ever since being founded, as the online marketplace for engineers brings together engineers and employers all around the world. The platform is fully automated; customized job alerts are being sent daily, and employers get to track the project process step by step. Payments are immediate; once the project has been successfully concluded, the engineer in charge of it gets the funds.
Security Engineers Inc
Security engineers inc deal with another kind of security. They bring superb security services to local communities by developing strategic operation centers. They employ only the most qualified of management teams and support interaction with governments, local law enforcement, and private institutions. They are staffed around the clock, Monday to Sunday, and their professional dispatchers provide immediate response where and as needed.
In a way similar to a network security engineer, a security engineer takes great responsibility. The only difference is that the object being protected is different. And yet, the two professions often work closely on enforcing the highest safety standards. Whereas security engineers do the field work, network security engineers make certain to provide excessive backup to their actions.
Freelance Engineering
Engineering is the very definition of freedom. In the broadest sense of the word! Engineers have the opportunity to change locations at will and pick only the projects that meet their specific criteria. Engineering projects being extensive, possibilities are close to endless. Freelance engineering jobs are numerous and projected to keep increasing as time goes on.
Being a Network Security Engineer
Being a network security engineer is a state of mind. There is so much more to the profession than a simple routine. Network engineering is one of the most creative jobs. Therefore, if you happen to be one, make sure to pick only the projects you see fit and – enjoy the ride!