How To Become A Chief Networking Officer
Chief Networking Officer Definition
For those that don’t know, a Chief Networking Officer is the person who handles all of the businesses networking and community-based activities. From creating word-of-mouth campaigns to advertising and marketing, their main focus is retaining and bringing in business. They may also focus on client relationship management, public relationships and corporate culture.
Why You Need a Chief Networking Officer
Having a good network is essential when it comes to growing a business and although you may have people within your business working towards that, dedicating one person to the job is the best way to ensure you’re building networks each and every day. Whether that means taking budget away from operations or from product development, putting funds towards relationships and connections is much more valuable.
How To Become A Chief Networking Officer
When it comes to becoming a chief networking officer, there are two routes to take. The first is the most simple, as it involves creating a position at your current place of work and the second involves applying for available positions. In most cases, the former is most popular as you companies don't have to hire a new executive to become their CNO when they’re filling that job in one way or another already.
There are some core steps to becoming a CNO Cheif Networking Officer
1. Participate in at least two networking events each month, as this is where you’re likely to meet new and existing customers face-to-face. Whether it’s a local event or something much bigger, you need to be sure you’re getting out there and making an effort to network and meet new people. Once the event is over, you need to spend some time following up with everyone you meet. two to three networking events each month, and follow up with people you meet
2. If you have lost touch with past business contacts, you should be touching base with them by making at least two personal phone calls a week.
3. When it comes to touching base with your regular contacts, using postcards, greeting cards and gifts is a great way to stay in touch.
4. Another important aspect of becoming a CNO is ensuring you’re taking good care of your database, as you want to ensure you’re not losing any customers as it starts to grow. Take good care of your database.
5. If you have people who refer business to you, you need to ensure you’re thanking your referral partners each and every time. Whether it’s with a commission, a phone call or a gift, they will keep referring people if they receive something in return - even if it is just thanks!

Chief Networking Officer Biggest Challenges
One of the biggest challenges when it comes to becoming a CNO is that often, businesses that believe that they need one as there may be a number of people that do various different aspects of the role in their day-to-day job. What they don’t realise, however, is that by having someone dedicated to networking alone, they’re much more likely to foster strong relationships with their clients.
Being Chief Networking Officer
When it comes to being a Chief Networking Officer, most of your time is spent being ‘social’. As someone who is there to build relationships with new and existing customers, you will find that a lot of your work is done in unconventional ways. From regular meetings with your clients to on-the-go phone calls, keeping your customers happy is important.
Do Startups Now Need a Chief Networking Officer?
Although it is not essential, having a CNO as a start-up is a great way to ensure you’re reaching new clients and building strong relationships with the customers you already have. If you’re in an industry that is highly competitive, this could be an incredibly valuable tool to have as it is what will set you apart from the rest. While the budget may not be there to have a full-time Chief Networking Officer, it may be something startups want to consider on a part-time or temporary basis.
CNO (Chief Networking Officer) Jobs
If you would like more information when it comes to becoming a Chief Networking Officer or where to find Chief Networking Officer jobs, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of the Field Engineer team. We will be able to point you in the right direction, giving you expert advice when it comes to the job market.