What is a Field Service Manager?
A field service manager performs on-site routine services that can include new hardware installations and maintenance. They typically work in teams but may answer to a senior member of staff.
Unlike Field Service Technicians, Field service managers may also be required to provide training on the new services they provide for a company. This can include safety training for new machines or compliance training for technological additions.
A field service manager usually reports to a senior member of staff. However, smaller sites can be operated and maintained by a single field service manager.
The job will often involve the installation, management, and repair of on-site services. However, your input may also be required for strategic decisions that are more complex.
Qualifications & Skills
Field service managers will typically require a bachelor’s degree. Training in the field and technical background will also improve your chances of finding a job.
When freelancing, experience plays a large part in your success in finding jobs. Your resume will become a more important factor as well as any qualifications that you have earned.
Job Outlook
Companies hire field service managers for their flexibility in managing a variety of tasks and there are opportunities to advance into a senior position. However, a field service manager does have many responsibilities which can make it a demanding job.
The other option is to work as a freelance field service manager. This allows you to pick the complexity of the work and offers more freedom with working hours. You will be expected to fit your skills to your employer’s needs, meaning you must be adaptable.

Pay Scale Range
A full-time field service manager working for a company can expect to receive a salary between $50,000 and $108,000, with an average of $73,000 per year. This will vary greatly depending on your expertise, experience, and employer.
When working freelance, there is no upper limit to your income and it will depend on your expertise and willingness to work. Since you can take on one assignment after another, this has the highest earning potential for a field service manager when provided with consistent work that you can take at your own pace.
How can Field Engineer Help?
Field Engineer is an international marketplace for talented engineers such as field service managers. Its purpose is to make it easy for freelancers and companies to communicate internationally.
If you’re a freelancer, then Field Engineer can help you find more freelance work opportunities that are local to you. You’ll be connected with many different businesses across the world and you can have opportunities to create new business contacts. Working with Field Engineer is a more flexible approach to your career as a field service manager and offers benefits such as an uncapped salary ceiling and the option of choosing who you work with.
If you’re a company, then Field Engineer helps to connect you with experienced and skilled freelancers to complete assignments all over the world. This includes establishing a global presence in another country or providing an overseas client with technical support. It’s far more flexible than hiring an employee and sending them abroad, resulting in lower overall operating costs.